Ewha International
Summer College


[채용]2024학년도 국제하계대학 비전임교원 채용 공고/Job Posting for 2024 Ewha International Summer College Faculty

  • summer 관리자

Job Posting for 2024 Ewha International Summer College Faculty

◈ Eligibility

1. Pursuant to the Educational Officials ActPrivate School Act and Ewha Womans University regulations, the candidate must not have reasons for disqualifications to be appointed as a visiting or invited professor.

2. Pursuant to Article 2 of the 「Regulations on Qualification Criteria for University Faculty」, the candidate must have a minimum equivalent of a four-year undergraduate degree or at least 4 years of professional experience in teaching, research and practical experience in their field of expertise.

3. Pursuant to article 7 of the 「Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act」, the candidate must not have reasons for disqualifications to be appointed as a visiting or invited professor.

4. The candidate must not exceed the retirement age in accordance to Ewha Womans University’s policies and regulations for non-tenure track faculty.

Appointment Status


Visiting Professor

① The candidate must meet the minimum requirements for an assistant professor position, and 

② Must currently be employed as a tenure-track faculty member at an educational institution in or outside the Republic of Korea

Invited Professor

① The candidate must meet the requirements for an assistant professor position or has equivalent professional experience in the relevant field

② The candidate is suited to teach a course with specific requirements

Qualifications for Assistant Faculty Position

 ① Doctoral degree holder

 ② Having more than 2 years of professional experience in teaching, research and practical experience in field of expertise upon earning a Master’s degree

 ③ Having more than 4 years of professional experience in teaching, research and practical experience in field of expertise upon earning a Bachelor’s degree

◈ List of Courses/Topics for 2024 EISC

Appointment Type


Visiting Professor

Korean Cinema 

(2 courses) 1) Gender Relations in Korea & 2) Contemporary Issues in Korean Culture

Marketing Strategy

Financial Management

Special Topics in Sociology_A

Developing Authentic Leadership & Communication Skills_A

North Korea_A

Women's History of Korea_A

Money and Banking_A

Project Management_A

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence_A

Machine Learning_A

General Chemistry_A

Architectural History of Seoul_A

Invited Professor

Special Topics in Sociology_B

Developing Authentic Leadership & Communication Skills_B

North Korea_B

Women's History of Korea_B

Money and Banking_B

Project Management_B

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence_B

Machine Learning_B

General Chemistry_B

Architectural History of Seoul_B

◈ Required Documents

Appointment Type

Applicant Documents


Visiting Professor


① Application

※ Please list all degrees obtained (B.A. and above)

② Degree Certificates

Copies of degree certificates (B.A. and above)

③ Proof of Employment

Proof of employment at an accredited university in or outside the Republic of Korea

Invited Professor


① Application

※ Please list all degrees obtained (B.A. and above)

② Degree Certificates

Copies of degree certificates (B.A. and above)

If Applicable

Certificates of Professional Experience

If not a doctoral degree holder in the ‘Qualifications for Assistant Faculty Position’ stated above, the candidate will be required to list and submit certificates of all professional experience (of more than 2 or 4 years)

◈ Application 

Dates of Application: Monday, December 11 9:00 am ~ Friday, December 15 5:00 pm KST (applications received outside of this period may not be reviewed)

Instructions: Candidates must submit all required documents via email to gosummer@ewha.ac.kr with the subject header “2024 EISC Faculty Application_Name.“ Please send all materials in one email.

◈ Review Process

Review of application by EISC internal committee

Notification of final decision: all candidates will be contacted individually

◈ Conditions of Appointment

Contract period: March 1, 2024 ~ February 28, 2025 (1 year)

※ Dates of instruction are from July 1 to July 24, 2024, but the overall contract period will be for one year.

Under the age of 70 as of March 1, 2024

◈ Nota Bene

The application and all relevant documents must be submitted during the dates of application stated above. Documents submitted after the period will not be reviewed.

Providing false information or submitting forged documents will result in cancellation of appointment, event after the contract has been signed

If there are no suitable candidates for a certain course, the position will remain vacant

Candidates currently employed at Ewha Womans University as a tenure or non-tenure track faculty member are not eligible to apply

◈ Inquiries: ☎ +82-2-3277-3160~1 |  gosummer@ewha.ac.kr

2024학년도 국제하계대학 비전임교원 채용 공고

◈ 지원 자격

1. 교육공무원법, 사립학교법 및 본교 규정에 의하여 비전임교원 임용에 결격사유가 없는 자

2. 「대학교원 자격기준 등에 관한 규정」 제2조에 따라 대학졸업자 또는 동등자격자로서 연구실적 및 교육경력 

 연수의 합계가 4년 이상인 자

3. 「고등교육법 시행령」 제 7조에 따라 겸임 및 초빙교원 임용에 결격사유가 없는 자

4. 본교 「비전임교원 규정」에 의거한 정년을 초과하지 않은 자

 (2024년 3월 1일 기준, 만 70세 이하인 자)

5. 위 공통사항 외에 채용분야별 지원 자격 특이사항이 있는 경우 이를 충족하는 자


자격 조건


① 조교수 이상의 자격 기준을 갖춘 사람으로서

② 국내외 대학 전임교원 재직자


① 조교수 이상의 자격기준을 갖춘 사람 또는 이에 준하는 해당 분야 경력을 보유한 사람으로서

② 특수한 교과를 교수하게 하기 위한 사람 

조교수 자격기준 

 ① 박사학위 취득자 

 ② 석사학위 취득 이후 교육(강의)경력, 연구경력, 교과목 관련 실무 경력 2년 이상 

 ③ 학사학위 취득 이후 교육(강의)경력, 연구경력, 교과목 관련 실무 경력 4년 이상 

◈ 2024 국제하계대학 교과목(채용분야)




Korean Cinema 

(2 과목) 1) Gender Relations in Korea & 2) Contemporary Issues in Korean Culture

Marketing Strategy

Financial Management

Special Topics in Sociology_A

Developing Authentic Leadership & Communication Skills_A

North Korea_A

Women's History of Korea_A

Money and Banking_A

Project Management_A

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence_A

Machine Learning_A

General Chemistry_A

Architectural History of Seoul_A


Special Topics in Sociology_B

Developing Authentic Leadership & Communication Skills_B

North Korea_B

Women's History of Korea_B

Money and Banking_B

Project Management_B

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence_B

Machine Learning_B

General Chemistry_B

Architectural History of Seoul_B

◈ 제출 서류 







① 지원서

※ 학력사항에 학사 학위 이후의 모든 학위에 대해 기재

② 학위증명서

학사학위 이후의 모든 학위에 대한 학위증명서

③ 재직증명서

국내외 대학 전임교수 재직증명서 




① 지원서

※ 학력사항에 학사 학위 이후의 모든 학위에 대해 기재

② 학위증명서

학사학위 이후의 모든 학위에 대한 학위증명서



상단 ‘조교수 자격기준’의 박사학위취득자가 아닌 경우 해당 기간(2년 또는 4년)의 교육(강의), 연구 또는 교과목관련 실무경력 필수 입력 및 증명서 제출

◈ 원서접수 Application 

1. 기간: 2023년 12월 11() 9:00 ~ 12월 15() 17:00 [마감시간 엄수]

2. 방법: 원서접수 기간 중 이메일 접수만 가능 (이메일 제목: “2024 EISC Faculty Application_Name.“ 

제출처: gosummer@ewha.ac.kr)

◈ 심사절차

통합심사: 전공분야의 적합성, 학문적 우수성, 교육능력 통합 심사

2. 최종합격자 발표: 국제하계대학에서 개별 연락 예정

◈ 임용조건 

1. 계약기간: 2024년 3월 1일 ~ 2025년 2월 28일(1년)

※ 강의 날짜: 2024년 7월 1일 ~ 7월 24일

2. 임용일 기준 만 70세 초과자는 임용 불가

◈ 유의사항

1. 모든 서류는 제출기한 이내에 제출해야 하며 제출기한 이후 추가서류 제출은 인정하지 않음

2. 지원서 허위 기재 및 제출한 서류 위·변조, 지원 자격 부적격 등 부정한 방법으로 합격 또는 임용된 사실이 

 확인될 경우 임용 후에라도 합격 또는 임용이 취소됨

3. 해당 분야 적격자가 없을 경우 채용하지 않을 수 있음

4. 현재 이화여자대학교에 재직 중인 강사 및 비전임교원은 재직 중인 상태에서 이중 직위 부여가 불가함

◈ 문의처: ☎ +82-2-3277-3160~1 |  gosummer@ewha.ac.kr