2022 EISC (Session 1) : Tiong Kai Tan from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

2022 EISC Testimonial

 Tiong Kai Tan

My name is Tiong Kai from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. This summer exchange at Ewha Womans University has certainly been a fruitful one.

My experience within the classrooms were pleasant. The professor was very patient with us and explained the concepts well. I have always wanted to learn more about AI, and the course I allowed me to have a hands-on experience in AI in Python and some of its applications.

Outside classrooms, there were many fun-filled activities organized for us. We were also assigned buddies, which was helpful as she brought us around and help us get used to student life in Ewha.

This has been a valuable experience that has allowed me to immerse in the Korean culture while giving me to opportunity to meet students from all around the world. It was truly a memorable experience for me.