2018 Ewha ISC (Session 1): Zouapang Yang


Greetings everyone! I am ZouaPang Yang from the University of Wisconsin Madison located in the United States and today, I have the honor of leaving you all with this parting speech as our time at Ewha comes to an end. Can you believe it? We’ve finally made it. It feels as though we just moved in yesterday! Time really does fly in the blink of an eye. I want you to take a look at the people around you. Are they your friends? Are they your classmates? Take this time to reflect on the relationships you’ve built and all that you have accomplished here in Seoul.


It has been pretty great witnessing the old ways of Korea from our field trip to the Folk Village, experiencing the modern way of life from our peace buddies--and other locals--and, probably for many of you, trying kimchi for the
first time ever. I’ve been asked, “What is your favorite memory of Korea?” so many times and no matter what new seafood I try, late night runs I have to the GS25, or how many bike rides I take along the Han River, my answer will always be the same. I will never forget the amazing friends I’ve made. It’s even more amazing how each of us lead different lives back at home but programs like this one can unite us with the goals to better our education. By enrolling in this summer exchange program, you challenged yourself. So I now must ask you, what will you do with the knowledge and experience you’ve gained? What will you share about the merits of international academic programs like Ewha’s Summer College?


As citizens of the world we have a responsibility to become disciplined in honoring differences and embracing them as variations of human nature. Whether you meet someone who has a different religion, someone who identifies as
LGBTQ, someone with a different socioeconomic background, or simply, someone who is different from you, we must first, always, have respect because people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. I have much to learn but I do know one thing: we are the future. Therefore, I challenge each and every one of you to share all the things you have learned from your experience here and inspire your peers to become citizens of the world as well so that we may create a better world for everyone. Empower others with what you’ve been empowered by to come here today. I congratulate you all on a successful completion of this program and wish you all a safe travel home. Thank you.