2012 EISC Session I Participant: Jamile Bittar

2012 EISC Session I Participant: Jamile Bittar

Methodist University of San Paulo, Brazil

When brazilian people hear about South Korea they don’t think about the diversity of culture that exists. I was one of those. When I first arrived I thought it would be just a normal experience in a different country.
I never expected that I would make so many great friends as I did. People were amazing to me, so Nice and polite and curious about my culture just as much as I was curious for their. Pretty much for most brazilians Ásia is one big place where asian people live with thei differences. They don’t usually understand how bright and big the culture in South Korea is. I learned so much over one group of people. Today I have a different Idea about everything else. I am not going to believe on first impressions like I used too.
Most of all what I’ve learned from that month at Ewha was about friendship. How important and amazing it is to keep friendships all around the world. I’ve met people from places that I never expect to be curious about. Now all I want is to visit mosto f this far places. I want to know everything that is different from what I already know.
Ewha was my first experience abroad, but it Will not be the last. And South Korea is definetly my new passion, and it Will not be the only time that I visit this amazing country.