2012 EISC Session I Participant: Gloria Tan

2012 EISC Session I Participant: Gloria Tan
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Best Summer Ever 🙂

I would never ever forget the summer that I have spent in Ewha Womans University.
I was a summer student for the 2012 Summer Session 1 programme. At first, I was apprehensive about travelling to Korea alone, but I am glad that I made the right choice. Though we were strangers from various parts of the world, all of us managed to bond like friends who have not seen each other for ages! Everyone that I met in the summer programme was so warm and welcoming, that my initial fears of coming to Korea alone were immediately dissipated! The field trips organized by Ewha were a good way to make happy memories with my newfound friends, and at the same time, learn so much more about the Korean culture!

The lecturers were awesome as well. Not only were the knowledgeable in the field of study that they were teaching, they were also very friendly and approachable! It seems to me like they were more of our friends rather than our teachers! The lecturers themselves brought us on field trips to enhance our learning in the classroom, and what better way to learn than from the streets of Seoul itself!

Apart from school life, we also had the opportunity to explore Seoul by ourselves during the weekends! The people of Korea are indeed very hospitable and kind hearted! One of the most memorable experiences I had was when my friend and I were in the jjimchilbang in Itaewon, a really nice ahjusshi spoke to us! He said that he could tell that we were foreigners and, with all the English that he knew, tried to strike a conversation with us! With the limited Korean that we knew, we tried to keep the conversation going! It was indeed a very heartwarming experience for us.

Seoul is indeed a very vibrant city, and with Ewha’s centralised location, fun isn’t far away! I am sure that every one of us from the summer session has very different experiences in Seoul, but one thing is for sure, is that all of us had one of the most memorable summer, ever.

To anyone that is interested to participate in Ewha’s summer programme: Sign up now!!! Do not hesistate 

And to the friends that I have made from 2012 Summer Session 1: Thank you for the memories! 너무 사랑해