2011 EISC Sesion I: Jessica Minjy Kang

2011 EISC Session I Participant: Jessica Minjy Kang
Brown University, USA

My experience at Ewha:

After my first experience at Ewha in 2008, I knew that I wanted to come back to Korea. Although I had been to Korea before then, my experience at Ewha showed me a side of Seoul I had not had the chance to see before. It made me appreciate the Korean culture I had grown up with but had never given much thought. This is what made me come back to Ewha in 2011.

I had another wonderful summer experience that was a perfect combination of learning and enjoying the culture around me. The teachers and staff at Ewha were always welcoming and enthusiastic about what they were doing, which created such a great environment. I really enjoyed the Korean Language class and the Korean ceramics class and felt that I learned a lot from both of them.

The summer program also draws a diverse group of international students that I had so much fun getting to know. There was always so much to do both around campus and around Seoul, and I was able to explore different parts of the city, go to concerts, try new foods, and just broaden my experiences in general.

I would (and have) highly recommend this program to anyone who is considering it!