2011 Session I Participant: Oliver Diesing

2011 EISC Session I Participant: Oliver Diesing
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

"Living in Asia for some years, Korea was always very interesting to me. Something about this culture is unique and can´t be compared to China, Hong Kong or Japan. The presence of tradition and modernity at the same made me wonder how Korean society really works.

After hearing a lot of good stuff and some bad stuff from people who lived in Korea, I was even more excited to come and see for myself and create my own truth. So I came across the summer school programs of Korean universities and one school in particular caught my attention. EWHA is the biggest womans university of the world. To study at EWHA as a male student is an enriching experience. It is almost like a field work experience for studying gender and anthropology. The classes in the summer college are really good. The variety is great. It was really hard for me to decide which class I want to take, since the syllabus includes classes like Korean traditional ceramics, Relations between North- and South Korea and Korean Cinema. The professors I met were very dedicated to their subjects and the overall studying experience is incredible. I learned much more then in a usual semester. The other students at EWHA are very nice and helpful with every problem you might have. EWHA has a really great Buddy system. Every exchange student gets his buddy, which is contacting you even before you arrive in Korea. You can ask questions and they even get you from the airport if requested. They organized lots of activities everyone was free to join.

So EWHA is more than the usual summer school, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for you! The field trips were amazing, the classes are actually fun and the campus is just beautiful. I would totally do it again next year if I get another chance to come and would like to recommend it to anyone who is interested in having an amazing summer in