2011 Session I Participant: Angeline Ng

 2011 EISC Session I Participant: Angeline Ng
University of Exeter, UK

After hearing all the good stuff from a friend who attended the previous summer school, I decided to come to Ewha. I knew that I will have a great time in Ewha and that is so true. 4 weeks in Ewha summer school was indeed one of the best experiences I had.

The campus itself is so beautiful and have great facilities. They even have beds in the study rooms! Besides, Ewha offered nice shared-room with good facilities for summer school students. It is modern, comfortable and convenient.

There is a wide range of subject to choose from and I enjoyed both of my AM and PM classes so much. The lecturers were dedicated and friendly. The standard of teaching was high. The interaction between lecturers and students was good. My East Asian History lecturer used to buy us coffee and had a class outing to the National Musuem of Korea. My Korean teacher brought the class for Jajeongmeon (which I missed it so much) and even taught us some Korean songs and games. I started from knowing zero Korean to now able to read,write and sing in Korean.

Besides academia, the other exciting activities were the fieldtrips. All of them were fun and some were educational. I cried so much during the visit to House of Sharing, got so excited while watching Bboy performance and went crazy in Mud-festival. The fieldtrips were amazing and there were no additional charges.The staff and PEACE buddy were very helpful and I have form good friendship with the Buddies.

Overall, Ewha Summer school programme is amazing. I have learn so much academically and culturally. I would highly recommend this summer programme to those who are interested in experiencing Korea culture.