2018 Ewha ISC (Session 1): Claire Benschoter

mission that inspired me to attend Ewha. My mission was to find my Korean family. I am a Korean adoptee, so of course I wanted to go to Korean and experience the culture, but I also wanted to go back and find my family. I always felt like part of my life was missing because I was unable to get the Korean life that I could have had. I knew I had to go back to Korea some day and find that Korean life that I was missing.

First, my life at Ewha full of fun and friends, but going to class was important to. Every day I would go to class and then after my classes I would meet up with my friends. The classes I decided to take at Ewha were Korean Ceramics and Korean Fan Dancing. I took Korean Ceramics because when I was a child I read a book by Linda Sue Park called A Signal Shard. Linda Sue Park was a Korean young adult’s book writer and I read all of her books as to learn more about Korea and its culture. Secondly, I decided to take Korean Fan Dancing to learn Korean traditional dancing. I have never taken dance in my life, so this was a fun experience to have. Sliding across the floor in my socks, falling over when I would try to spin, and laughing with my classmates when we were on break. Both of the professors I had for my classes were amazing, so here is a shout out to Professor Eun Lee and Hwajung Yoon. Thanks for being such amazing professors.

Secondly, I still went to classes of course, but wondering around the streets of Korea is where I learned the most. Going around Korea with my friends was the best experience I had going to Ewha. I loved going to the different restaurants every day to try different food, but my favorite place to eat was KyoChon. Besides just eating all the time I also went on different adventures with my K-posse. We went and tried on traditional Hanboks, hiked up the Bukhansan Mountain, and took a day trip to Nami Island. These adventures were just a few experience that we had together.

Next, as my trip came to a close I remember that I never did a birth search to find my Korean family. I was having so much fun, so the thought of trying to look for them slipped my mind. I didn’t know why it slipped my mind until I realized that I had already found my Korean family. To my K- posse Annabell, Crystal, Mika, Betty, and Sam, you guys became my Korean family. Thank you for showing me Korea. All of you are the most amazing people I will ever meet. I will never forget the times that we shared together. You guys filled the Korean part of my life that I was missing. I hope to see you all in the future.

Lastly I want to thank Ewha for giving me the opportunity to come and study in Korea. Without the Korean Adoptee Fellowship at Ewha I would have never had the opportunity to go and experience Korea. I would have never found my K-posse family without the help of this Fellowship.