John Van Ooyen

What I enjoyed immensely at Ewha

I would like to say thank you to all of the people who afforded me with this wonderful learning experiences here at Ewha Womans University.

It has been a special honor and privilege to be a part of the Ewha Womans University 2005 International Co-Ed Summer School Program. Initially, I was a bit apprehensive about being enrolled at Ewha Womans University due to its being a women’s university. However, it has turned out to be a fantastic experience for me this summer, and I just want to briefly share my experiences for the past six and half weeks with you.

I participated in the 4 day-long pre-summer school field trip that took place from June 23rd through the 26th with about 23 other Ewha Summer School students. We visited several beautiful historical places, such as Sorak Mountain, the Chung-juho cruise trip, the Gosu Cave, the Gyeong-ju National Museum, Bul-guk-sa Temple, and Seok-gu-lam. Nathan was my hotel roommate for those 4 days, and he has been a real buddy to me.

I was enrolled in Korean Language Level I and Sociology: Contemporary Korean Society: Change and Continuity. It felt strange to be a student again after having been out of an academic setting for for 15 years. The stress from studying for mid-term and final exams, as well as the homework assignments, was a burden, but it was worth it all. The extra-curricular activities that I participated in, such as the “Comfort Women” Museum class trip, the DMZ tunnel tour, and the Nanta Theatrical Performance, were awesome.

There were other facets of student life here at Ewha that I enjoyed immensely. It was fun meeting up with many of students and making new friends with Ewha students and the PEACE Buddies. I especially enjoyed eating out many times, and for sharing those cold and tasty desserts on very hot days, and for the wonderful shopping paradise in front of Ewha. I was very happy for all of Ewha girls. I did go shopping with a few girls once, but quite frankly I didn’t last very long - only a 1 and half hours. At least I tried. Getting a haircut in front of Ewha the first week of the summer school was quite challenging with my very limited Korean language skills, but it turned out successfully.

I can not forget to mention the Korean Rainy season-Jang Ma and the awful steep climb up to the dormitory, which is located on the very top of the mountain here.

The PEACE Buddy program was an added experience that I will never forget. I just want to say thank you to all the P